Sunday, November 3, 2013

"Are You an Engineer, or Are You a Nigger?"

12 Years A Slave...400 Years of White Power
Art by: Michael Ray Charles
Who knew?

Who knew that the uncultured, irascible, rabidly racist John Tibeats, the villainous overseer from 12 Years A Slave, would pose one of the most elegantly existential and profoundly provocative questions ever uttered in American movie history?!

As enslaved freeman Solomon Northup (Platt) explains to Master Ford (the "good master") his plan for building a raft to safely transport cotton across the swamps to the marketplace, Tibeats sarcastically, caustically, and condescendingly inserts the knife,

"Are you an engineer, or are you a nigger?!"

Of course, Solomon is impaled upon the horns of a dilemma.  As a slave, he certainly can't say that he's an engineer. And, as a former freeman, he won't concede that he's a "nigger." But, Tibeats' intent is crystal clear.  He intends to put "Platt" in his place. Tibeats intends to remind "Platt" that he may be a "smart nigger," but he's still a "nigger!" And, no "nigger" is smarter than a white man. Irrespective of Master Ford's sympathetic ear, Tibeats insists upon reinforcing the brutal white power structure which reigned supreme in the South. For him, no level of black intelligence, black ingenuity, or black brilliance, would upset the social order of the day or elevate "Platt" above the status of mere livestock.

Mind you, I absolutely loved this film!!!! But, if there's one downside, it's the temptation for certain folk to learn ALL the wrong believe that unless you exhibit the cruelty of Tibeats or Epps, you're not a believe racism and bigotry is a thing of the believe that institutional or unconscious racism is believe Slavery and its progeny is the sin of their southern forefathers only to be examined in the rear view mirror. Malcolm reminded us that there are different forms of racism, some blatant and others less so. Ultimately, we need to stop castigating the South. "As long as you're south of the Canadian border, you're south!" Malcolm said.  So, I'm sure Northup didn't return to a racial utopia when he returned to upstate New York. No racial utopia racial utopia now.

The old folks used to say, "It's in the blood." And, if that's true, the DNA of race discrimination is stubbornly resisting evolutionary extinction. It continues to flow freely, sometimes imperceptibly, in the veins of a few.

For sure, America is a much evolved place in 2013. So, Blacks should not be overly sensitive to legitimate criticisms or walk around with a perpetual "race chip" on their shoulder. But, how often do 21st Century Blacks hear Tibeats' insulting question phrased in more discreet and subtle terms? How often is your authority, expertise, or credentials called into question? How often are you reminded in small ways to "stay in your place," or "don't get big headed." They say, "you got a raise three years ago, boy," or "He's arrogant and aloof"..."She's uppity and ungrateful"..."You may be right, but you're not in charge!!" or, "Why should you gain admission to Harvard over me?" "Who do you think you are?"

Barack Obama: "You lie!"  "Are you the POTUS, or are you a nigger?"

Michelle Obama: "Are you the FLOTUS, or are you a nigger?"

Eric Holder: "Are you the U.S. Attorney General, or are you a nigger?"

Susan Rice: "Are you the National Security Advisor, or are you a nigger?"

Oprah Winfrey (in high-end European boutiques): "Are you an international celebrity with more money than God, or are you a nigger?"

Trayvon Martin: "Are you an innocent teenager with ice tea and candy, or are you a nigger?"

Marissa Alexander: "Are you a scared woman defending yourself from an abusive ex-husband, or are you a nigger?"

Dez Bryant: "Are you an impassioned star wide-receiver playing for "America's Team," or are you a nigger?"

Are you a Doctor, or...Are you an Attorney, or...Are you a Professor, or...Are you a Nurse, or...Are you a Millionaire, or...Are you an Artist, or...

"This shit is getting out of hand!  This is not my grandpa's America. If we'd known they'd be this much trouble, we'd picked our own damn cotton!!"  exclaims a Tea Party Patriot in exasperation.

Yeah, right! LOL  In railing against food stamps and social welfare programs, conservatives say, "There is dignity in work." That so? Well, enslaved Africans and their descendants are among the most dignified people in human history. But, plantation owners didn't seem eager to share in that dignity (or the WORK for that matter). 

No matter how politically correct the phrasing, whenever Blacks are confronted with Tibeats' profound question, they too are faced with a modern day dilemma.  They can answer boldly and be labeled arrogant, uppity, or ungrateful. Or, they can smile, hat in hand, and slink back into their "place" among the "niggers."

Solomon Northup never forgot Tibeats' question. He grappled with it for twelve long years, and he answered it in the end. What say you? 

Are you an engineer, or are you a nigger?

Be wise and discerning enough to recognized the question when it's asked! Be courageous and competent enough to answer it boldly!!

Until we rendezvous...



  1. You sent me a Tweet of this, apparently for me to send out across my network. I have a few friends who are on Unemployment which was extended numerous times, and they also, by virtue of their lack of jobs, collect foodstamps. All three are under 50 years old, able bodied, and working "under the table" earning living as contractors where they make about 50k per year. One is named Mark L., the other is named Rodney A. and the other is a Porsche Mechanic, clearing at least 50 bucks an hour, his name is Tom. I hope that gives you a picture of the Right's Frustration over the fact that close to 60 percent of the American Population are on some form of Gov't assistance. The Elderly collect SS, the Unemployed collect, the poor have medicaid, the underemployed collect Food Stamps. Taking away the "Single Mother" requirement basically opened the floodgates to fraud, and everyone collecting. This has taken away the incentive to work. YOU WORK, Silent D. The Right is frustrated with those WHO ARE ABLE TO WORK, and DO WORK IN SECRET, or those who could work, but choose to collect. And yet the Gov't is paying out huge sums to people who do not deserve it.

    It is actually an ardent Obama Supporter and Liberal who has come to the mathematical conclusion that we cannot continue to pay out the kinds of billions of dollars we are paying, and not lose our competitive edge, and bankrupt our children's future. This is no "mythical" pie in the sky fantasy, Mr. Silent D. This is a real problem. If you have 6 employees out of work, and 4 working, someone is doing all the work!! I would say any 2cd grade or 3rd grade Student can figure this out without too much problem.

    Your segway from Slavery to Present, hinged on this bit of phrasing, a rather esoteric bit of rhetoric, and glittering generalities:

    ~~ In railing against food stamps and social welfare programs, conservatives say, "There is dignity in work." That so? Well, the enslaved Africans and their descendants are among the most dignified people in human history. But, plantation owners didn't seem eager to share in that dignity. ~~

    And that is where your segway and rhetoric must be rubber meeting the road, sir. If conservatives (And Democrats and Liberals, and all concerned thinking people on the planet, since this involves the financial health of all civilization - every person on this planet is affected by the US economy) state "There is Dignity in Work" ? Then I say, "There is Dignity in Rising Above Poverty Pimps, and There is Dignity in Rising Above the Left, there is Dignity in Making Something Of Yourself, there is Dignity in Getting an Education. There is Dignity in educating yourself about the dangers of addiction, and hanging with the wrong crowd, there is Dignity IN YOU!!"

    It is up to each of us, Silent D to rise above the place the Left has put us in. To not be a victim of the Recession, but to rise above it. It is up to each of us to be free of the chains that bind our peers, to get a second, a third, a fourth job if that is what it takes. To think of Obstacles as Opportunities, to think of Problems as Profits. TO OVERCOME to live a life of abundance in spit of the little hole that Congress, or this President or the Senate wish us to pigeon us into.

    When you segway from a phrase spoken by modern day conservatives, and switch to plantation owners, you are too cute by half. I don't know of any modern day plantation owners, lest they be the poverty pimps of today, who are content to keep our young black youth enslaved by their circumstances. It is up to you to use your education, your experience of the military and your law degree to educate them properly, and not hearken back to the Plantation South.

    L Dunn Part 1

  2. Part II (Only Allowed so many characters)

    Segway into a brighter tomorrow, Silent D. Segway into Hope. Segway into individual liberty and the freedom to get a job. Segway into the fact that all of us have difficulties, and that the Gov't doesn't solve problems. It is up to each of us to make it, on our own, that is what you have learned in your life's experiences, Silent D, so preach that. The one thing the Gov't can't take from us is the freedom to think. NO GOV'T can take that from our youth, no government can take from the Unemployed, no Gov't can steal the individualism that makes us uniquely human, and can think and ACT our way out of welfare and poverty. No Gov't nor Blog Post can hold us as enemies of one another, no Gov't can keep us down if we are willing to rise above our circumstances, and be free.

    Do not drag your readers from the present in part of sentence, and then back 200 years at the end of your sentence. Be real, avoid the rhetoric, and preach a message that is one of peace and love. Plant and Sow, sir. Be a man of goodness and generosity. Lead the way to a brighter tomorrow.

    Lonny Dunn PronetworkBuild on Twitter

  3. I really appreciate you passion and your point of view, ProNetwork! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Not withstanding the fact that veiled attempts at "modern day slavery" still exists in a lot of workplaces - I'm honored to answer the question posed....I am a STRONG, COMPETENT, WISE, COURAGEOUS, TANACIOUS black woman who is PROUD to shout from the rooftop to those requiring clarification.....that I AM AN "ENGINEER"!!!

  5. LOL,,,I have no doubt that you are a fierce engineer, bunnyfort! In fact, that is the whole point. JFK said, "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." Hopefully, I've shed some light here.

    Each person must answer this question for themselves...even when it's not being asked of you by some condescending yokel. The point is to live in a state conscious marvel at our vast applaud America's march toward freedom. But, recognize institutional racism and unconscious recognize that the battle for freedom is never completely be a vigilant citizen not a militant citizen, and most of all, to be able to spot old school bigotry even when it's dressed in contemporary garb.

    It seems that one of my "Dear Readers" failed to grasp the gravamen of my argument. He failed to address the aforementioned points, but chastised me for pointing out the hypocrisy of conservative Tea Partiers and their ideological forerunners: the Dixiecrats and Confederates. My Dear Reader says my "segway" from plantation owner to modern conservatism was not seamless enough. Well, allow me to further lubricate the skids.

    Astute observations recognize that the political stronghold of conservatism and Tea Partiism is based in the South...the old confederacy. The ideological sons and daughters of plantation owners make up the radical conservative/tea party faction of the Republican Party. Perhaps that knowledge will help my Dear Reader with my "segway" from plantation owner to Tea Partier.

    I applaud hard work and despise laziness/welfare fraud as much, if not more, than my Dear Reader. But who can watch "12 Years A Slave" and take seriously,Tea Party favorite, Dr. Ben Carson when he says that "Obamacare" will be worse for the country than slavery!!! I have one question for Dr. Carson, "Are you an Engineer..."

    Hard work and discipline are NECESSARY to a successful life. But, while they are necessary, they are not SUFFICIENT. Solomon Northup's hard work and discipline in the cotton field did not purchase his took something more then and takes something more today.
