Thursday, October 3, 2013


Art by: Susan Marie Olmetti
Isn't it funny that you're sometimes strangely stricken with an old memory...a place...a person...a situation...a song.  The Universe has its way of communicating the essentials of life.  I awakened this morning with a song on my mind...humming and singing the words I could remember (out of tune, of course). LOL

In my humble opinion, whether you are religious, non-religious, or merely spiritual, LOVE is really what makes life worth living.  Allow it to embody your essence and move you to care more deeply for others. If that makes you different, so be it. Nod your head to that distant drumbeat and shake a leg to a remote rhythm.
"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." Friedrich Nietzche
Shhhhhhhh....can you hear the music?
Until we rendezvous,


  1. I agree, Love the only remedy to obtain pure joy, keep writing on this subject, I hopefully your followers will spread the pure joy.
    I love you

  2. I really appreciate your thoughts, Frankie!! At the end of the day, it's love that inspires us to do the un-doable, attempt the impossible, endure the un-endurable. It gives us the will to LIVE even when life seems un-livable.

    I love you too!


  3. Much love to you, BlackUnity!! Thanks for checking with me. Your Project is both timely and timeless.


  4. Let the church say AMEN and AAAAMEN!! Mr. D - I hear the music loud and clear. May I humbly suggest - contrary to the song lyrics - don't be afraid to share your TRUE thoughts/feelings for no day is promised. Enjoy, embrace, cherish and OWN those old memories, special places, special people and special situations. And please let those whom you LOVE know that you LOVE them - there is nothing to fear, but fear itself. Perhaps the song was put on your mind for a reason..................

  5. Thanks for the "Amen chorus," Bunnyfort!! LOL As always, your words of wisdom are greatly appreciated. I'll keep listening too. :-)

    Much love,


  6. WOW!! You did it with this one, C! Simple and on point! I made a decision this past weekend and LOVE was the one thing I kept coming back to. Seeing everything in your post this morning from the title to your commentary to the Friedrich Nietzche quote is God's confirmation. In fact, I'm going to commit that quote to memory. (smile) Thanks for the blessing, C! Love you, Man.

  7. Almost forgot the song. How could I? That did the darn thing too! Masterpiece!!!

  8. I'm humbled by your comments, brother EK!! Glad I could put some positive energy out there. Thanks for checking me out. You are a blessing as well.

    Much love!!

  9. Sorry for the misidentification, Sister EK! LOL I'm so glad this post touched you in a special way. I love you too, Sis!!
