Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Great Gatsby!! - "Y'all gon learn today!"

“The Great Gatsby” is the quintessential narrative in American literature.  It’s a heartrending love story, indeed.  But, it’s so much more.  “Gatsby” tackles universal themes which have touched the hearts and minds of millions since the book was published in 1925; themes such as…love and lust…wealth and poverty…loyalty and betrayal…hope and death…truth and lies…rags to riches…beauty and the beast…black and white…class and culture…remaking and reinvention…upward mobility and downward descent…and what gives true meaning to Life itself.
I read the F. Scott Fitzgerald classic back in the day, and I was arrested by the power of the story line. Granted, I didn’t see the ‘74 Francis Ford Coppola film version of ‘Gatsby” starring Robert Redford and Mia Farrow. So, I have no means of comparison, but…

"H to tha izzo, V to tha izza...not guilty, y’all gotta feel me!
 H to tha izzo, V to tha izza...that’s tha anthem, put cha damn hands up!"
Black cats and sexy sistas attired in "Roarin' ‘20’s" era garb...bouncin’ to Jay-Z circa 2001. Very interesting!!
I've heard the criticism of "Gatsby" mixing a prohibition era backdrop with a "hip-hop" vibe. Heard it, understand it, and respect it. But, I politely disagree with it. I mean, the goal of a classic remake is to introduce something of value to a new generation while remaining true to the essence of the original. In  my opinion, part of that introduction necessarily means translating it into the language of that new generation. If you want to be a "true playa" in the 21st Centrury, you've got to speak both Shakespeare and Lil Wayne. This new generation is partially bilingual, and their first language  is “hip-hop.” So, a spoonful of “hip-hop” might help the Classics go down...until millenials master their Shakespearean swag.
Jay Gatsby (or Jay G), the most hopeful man that Nick Caraway ever met, reinvented himself.  Driven by his love for Daisy Buchanan, he was transformed from dirt poor to nouveau riche…and he died with the hope of that eternal love still in his heart.

In some small way, aren’t we all Jay Gatsby (or Jay G)?  Aren’t we all striving to make our tomorrows more grand than our yesterdays. Aren't we rooting for the underdog to become the top dog (as we see ourselves as underdogs)? We are encouraged when we watch Madonna, Oprah, and Tina Turner reinvent themselves and somehow remain relevant. We savour the sight of the withering athlete who blossoms into the “big-ballin” broadcaster. We admire Hillary’s transition from wife…to First Lady...to Senator…to Secretary of State…to President??? Driven by our passions…love, lust, wealth, fame, family, or power, we transform ourselves from alcoholic to counselor…country boy to County Judge…prisoner to Pastor…welder to Wall Street…mime to millionaire…community organizer to President of the United States…street hustler to rapper to media mogul.
As with all Classics, there are several  “morals” to this beautiful story about the life of Gatsby. If we have the courage to self-reflect, we can learn much about love, life, and ourselves. But, somehow I wonder…Jay G … Jay Z...Jay G...Jay Z???? 

Will the 2013 "Jay G" put the world under new management and win the eternal love of his "Daisy?" Not so subtle comparison, huh? LOL

I liked the movie. DiCaprio will probably be nominated for an Oscar. You should check it out. 

Until we rendezvous...


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