Monday, May 27, 2013

A Day of Honor for Those who Died in the Arena!!

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt
When I served in the US Army, I was honored to have one of my soldiers personally create a piece of art for me bearing this, one of my favorite quotes. I proudly displayed this artwork until the day I left the military. 
I don't always agree with American foreign policy. In fact, I often disagree with it.  But on this day...and everyday...we must remember that soldiers aren't responsible for creating American foreign policy.  Soldiers aren't responsible for STRATEGY...they are responsible for employing the TACTICS which hopefully accomplish America's strategic goals. 
American soldiers are Black and White...Gay and Straight...Republican and Democrat...English speaking and Spanish speaking...Male and Female...Christian, Jewish and Muslim...Political and apolitical...God fearing and Atheist. 
When a soldier gets an order to go into a combat zone, he or she follows it.  And, that order may have been given by a President for whom he or she did not vote! But, the soldier follows that order.
All soldiers serve...all soldiers bleed...and many soldiers die!!
So on this Memorial Day, please take the time to reflect on those who have served and died for the rights and privileges which many take for granted.
Until we rendezvous...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"I am a Lesbian." (Updated 11-5-2013)

Chirlane McCray wife of NYC Mayoral Candidate Bill de Blasio

For those who aren't closely following the New York City mayoral race...ATENCION!!

Allow me to introduce CHIRLANE McCRAY… the most important spouse in the race for New York City.

Ms. McCray is the wife of candidate Bill de Blasio. Ms. McCray and her husband have been married for 19 years and have two beautiful children.
Mr. de Blasio is White and Ms. McCray is Black.  Mr. de Blasio is an avowed heterosexual.  In 1979, Ms. McCray wrote an article in Essence magazine proudly proclaiming:

"I Am a Lesbian."

She became an instant gay rights icon!!

You now understand some of the intrigue surrounding the current mayoral race. The plot is thickened by the fact that Christine Quinn, the first openly gay female to run for mayor of New York, is leading in most recent polls.

Life, being the messy complicated animal that it is, revels in presenting us with these irresistibly complex conundrums. So, the LGBT community is looking on with interest...the African-American community is doing likewise...ditto for Anthony Weiner who might have expected to garner great support from both those communities…and the Hollywood crowd is split in their allegiances.

I understand the philosophical quicksand that befuddles the minds of some in the LGBT community whenever a gay rights icon is perceived as "ex-gay." After all, it strikes at the heart of one of many arguments supporting the rights of gay Americans.

The LGBT community argues that being gay is not a "behavior." It is a "state of being.” It’s not simply a life choice, but it represents the very essence of one’s existence. Since the Constitution doesn't generally protect against ALL forms of discrimination but against "invidious" or unjustifiable discrimination, it gets tricky. Generally speaking, most illegal forms of discrimination are based on immutable or unchangeable characteristics…like skin color or gender, etc. Hence, Ms. McCray's perceived ”ex-gayness” could present a theory.

I believe every American should be treated equally before the law, period! I have no issues with gays, "ex-gays," gay marriage, or interracial marriage. But, I do have a problem with lying politicians! And, I'm always amazed at what politicians and their wives will say to get elected.

Ms. McCray avoids labeling herself as heterosexual, bisexual, or lesbian.  That's not a problem! No one should be forced to accept an unwanted label. However, she says that when she first met her future husband in 1991, the biggest obstacle to a relationship was NOT his race...NOT that he was a man and she was a lesbian (although she'd never had a relationship with a man), but that he was six years her junior.  How cute...but, Wha!!!!!

Listen…I really want to give Ms. McCray the benefit of the doubt.  I want to believe that, 20 years ago, she was simply one of the most openly progressive and forward thinking people in America. I want to believe that her traditional ideas about age trumped her non-conventional views on race and sexuality, but…

My elders wisely advised me that, “Every closed eye ain’t sleep, all ‘goodbyes’ ain’t gone, and everybody carrying a suitcase ain’t headed outta town.”  In other words, things aren’t always as they seem, and don’t believe everything you hear…especially coming out of the mouth of a politician…or his wife.

Ms. McCray, good luck to you and your husband in this race. I admire the courage you showed coming out as a lesbian in  '79 in the African-American community. I applaud your personal and professional accomplishments, and I support your right to live as you please. I advocate for the right of all Americans to pursue happiness in whatever way that doesn't harm others. 

But, Ms. McCray, don't stoop to typical political rhetoric, and please don’t insult my intelligence. Just sayin...

Until we rendezvous…


UPDATE!!!  Bill DeBlasio has been elected Mayor of NYC.  The first Democrat in 20 years! Therefore, Ms. McCray is the First Lady of New York!! Congratulations!! I wish you and your husband the best!  For those who find it important, although David Dinkins was the first Black mayor of NYC, Ms. McCray will be the "most colorfully hued" First Lady to occupy that lofty position.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Great Gatsby!! - "Y'all gon learn today!"

“The Great Gatsby” is the quintessential narrative in American literature.  It’s a heartrending love story, indeed.  But, it’s so much more.  “Gatsby” tackles universal themes which have touched the hearts and minds of millions since the book was published in 1925; themes such as…love and lust…wealth and poverty…loyalty and betrayal…hope and death…truth and lies…rags to riches…beauty and the beast…black and white…class and culture…remaking and reinvention…upward mobility and downward descent…and what gives true meaning to Life itself.
I read the F. Scott Fitzgerald classic back in the day, and I was arrested by the power of the story line. Granted, I didn’t see the ‘74 Francis Ford Coppola film version of ‘Gatsby” starring Robert Redford and Mia Farrow. So, I have no means of comparison, but…

"H to tha izzo, V to tha izza...not guilty, y’all gotta feel me!
 H to tha izzo, V to tha izza...that’s tha anthem, put cha damn hands up!"
Black cats and sexy sistas attired in "Roarin' ‘20’s" era garb...bouncin’ to Jay-Z circa 2001. Very interesting!!
I've heard the criticism of "Gatsby" mixing a prohibition era backdrop with a "hip-hop" vibe. Heard it, understand it, and respect it. But, I politely disagree with it. I mean, the goal of a classic remake is to introduce something of value to a new generation while remaining true to the essence of the original. In  my opinion, part of that introduction necessarily means translating it into the language of that new generation. If you want to be a "true playa" in the 21st Centrury, you've got to speak both Shakespeare and Lil Wayne. This new generation is partially bilingual, and their first language  is “hip-hop.” So, a spoonful of “hip-hop” might help the Classics go down...until millenials master their Shakespearean swag.
Jay Gatsby (or Jay G), the most hopeful man that Nick Caraway ever met, reinvented himself.  Driven by his love for Daisy Buchanan, he was transformed from dirt poor to nouveau riche…and he died with the hope of that eternal love still in his heart.

In some small way, aren’t we all Jay Gatsby (or Jay G)?  Aren’t we all striving to make our tomorrows more grand than our yesterdays. Aren't we rooting for the underdog to become the top dog (as we see ourselves as underdogs)? We are encouraged when we watch Madonna, Oprah, and Tina Turner reinvent themselves and somehow remain relevant. We savour the sight of the withering athlete who blossoms into the “big-ballin” broadcaster. We admire Hillary’s transition from wife…to First Senator…to Secretary of State…to President??? Driven by our passions…love, lust, wealth, fame, family, or power, we transform ourselves from alcoholic to counselor…country boy to County Judge…prisoner to Pastor…welder to Wall Street…mime to millionaire…community organizer to President of the United States…street hustler to rapper to media mogul.
As with all Classics, there are several  “morals” to this beautiful story about the life of Gatsby. If we have the courage to self-reflect, we can learn much about love, life, and ourselves. But, somehow I wonder…Jay G … Jay Z...Jay G...Jay Z???? 

Will the 2013 "Jay G" put the world under new management and win the eternal love of his "Daisy?" Not so subtle comparison, huh? LOL

I liked the movie. DiCaprio will probably be nominated for an Oscar. You should check it out. 

Until we rendezvous...
