Sunday, February 24, 2013

Random Thoughts......Take One!!


"I sit beside the fire and think
Of people long ago
And people that will see a world
That I shall never know

But all the while I sit and think
Of times there were before
I listen for returning feet
And voices at the door”
― J.R.R. Tolkien


....tic toc tic toc TIME! and then, begin and end, young and old, past and future, birth announcement and epitaph, 1973-2025, - - - - -, tic and toc..TIME!

a classmate, sister, mother, daughter...dead...cancer
a beloved brother, aunt, in-law, uncle....perished...of suicide
a dear friend's lovely wife....dies....unexpectedly....causes unknown
a nephew, son, father..."out of the closet" then locked in a coffin... AIDs
an enemy, foe, nemesis, competitor....deceased...a brain tumor
a co-worker delivered a dreaded diagnosis....diabetes
is this a joke...or, am I having a stroke?  Wait!!!

But, tic toc tic toc TIME....waits for no one.

Three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego....or, was it Shadrach, Meshach and  "a bad negro?" Christopher Dorner....dead in a "fiery furnace" on Bear Mountain.

Chris Kyle liberally dealt the "death card" abroad while honorably serving America...then drew that same card himself "at home on the range," the deed done by his dishonored disciple..."the boomerang effect."

Hadiya and Janay....our sweet, our dear, our young Desdemonas... tragically the hands of our heated, perhaps heartless, young Othellos with unfettered access to weapons of certain death.

Wayward sons and waylaid sons...on death row...awaiting...lethal injection....while serving....TIME!

...tic toc tic toc not neutral

A child was a a a the nick of...TIME!


If you're an activist...act...with courage
If you're a leader...lead...with empathy
If you're a visionary...envision...with clarity
a preacher...preach...with insight
a parent...parent...with love
a teacher..teach...with wisdom
a passion
a healer...heal...with compassion
a singer...sing...with the angels
a speaker...speak...with the gods

Time is not a sufficient element to ensure a brighter future, but it is a necessary element. William Penn once said, "Time is what we want most, but use worst."

We all have Time...Seize it and Use it Wisely. Because...

...a child was born and inherently knows what Gibran said long ago, "yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream." TIME is...


...sing, Lalah
Until we rendezvous...


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tarantino, Romney, and the Forty-Seven Percent

It's Oscar Week in the Romney household and all over America.  So on Sunday, Old Mitt will sit lounging on his lush, fur covered sofa noshing on truffle ganache covered popcorn and watching the Ayn Rand classic, "Atlas Shrugged."  Frozen firmly in 1957, the year "Shrugged" was published, Romney is as clueless about the 2013 Oscar nominations as he was about his chances of winning the presidency.

However, film director, Quentin Tarantino, in his Oscar nominated film, "Django Unchained," may have coincidentally highlighted the one thing Romney thought he had a handle on in 2012...the 47 percent. During the presidential campaign and while speaking at a private fundraiser, Romney said this:

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. ... My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Those words represent Romney's inaugural step into political quicksand.

...all the while, Tarantino was crafting Romney's 19th century alter ego, plantation owner,"Big Daddy" played by actor Don Johnson.  Roll the tape....

" you please, Big Daddy." I'll bet that line makes Mitt yearn for his "binder full of women."

Unfortunately, this clip ends before the "money line" is uttered. After Big Daddy tells Patina to show Django around the plantation, he cautions her that Django is a free man....not to be treated like a slave.  Patina, her face twisted in puzzlement, says, "Do you want me to treat him like white folks?"  To which Big Daddy emphatically exclaims, "No, no, no, no!" As Big Daddy struggles to school Patina on the intricacies of handling free Blacks, he ponders aloud, "What's the name of that 'peckerwood boy' that lives down the that his name?" He then turns to Patina wearing a sly grin and triumphantly states, " Oh yeah, treat him like Jimmy."

That's the money line, baby!!!  Don't treat him like "white folks," treat him like that "peckerwood boy" Jimmy.  That was Big Daddy's way of saying that Jimmy wasn't "white" like him. Oh nooo!Jimmy is lazy, good-for-nothing, hard-drinking, working class, lacking education, possessed of low morals, dependent, dirt under his nails, unworthy of real know, the 47 percent.

Tarrantino's fictional depiction simply reminds us that conservative disgust with the 47 percent is nothing new. Wealthy conservative whites have often had disdain for their less fortunate white brothers. Alabama segregationist Governor, George Wallace, while serving as an Alabama judge was chastised by a political nemesis who stated that the law was "made for niggers and white trash, not for me and Adams." To which Wallace readily assented. 

Southern white conservatives have raised to a "high art" the political act of condescending to poor whites while harvesting their votes. Northern blue-blooded conservatives in white-collared shirts kick sand in the face of their unionized blue-collared brothers. "Establishment" Republicans look down their noses at "Tea Party" activists, southern evangelicals, Appalachian coal miners, Nascar lovers, and other "good ole boys." Wealthy, conservative Republicans seem to believe that those outside their gated neighborhoods are missing an "individual responsibility" gene.

The fictional character, Big Daddy, would likely have been a southern, conservative, Democrat...the party of Jefferson Davis and John C. Calhoun... the party of the old confederacy.  Today, the parties have accomplished an ideological "switcharoo" with Romney's Republicans, the party of Lincoln, ruling the conservative south and drawing it's inspiration from the states' rights icons of Dixie.

Romney's error was to let the conservative cat out of the bag. He boldly proclaimed closely held conservative sentiments and was unlucky enough to be caught on tape. The problem is...many of the 47 percent that Romney so derisively insulted still voted for him!!  Now, poor working-class folks of all races in all regions have a decision to make.  Will they continue to be condescended to by the Mitt Romney's of the political world and still reward them with their votes?

The Republican Party, in an effort to shed its outdated southern skin, is now "trial ballooning" Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Ron Paul, and Paul Ryan...desperately looking for that "Silver Lining Playbook" in this ominous cloud.  But, with Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain attacking Susan Rice and Chuck Hagel; Marco Rubio and Ron Paul dismissing President Obama's proposal for immigration reform; the NRA promoting gun-toting school teachers; and Mississippi legislators JUST NOW (two weeks ago) getting around to ratifying the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which outlawed slavery, the Republican Party continues to look more like "Beasts of the Southern Wild" than the party of "Lincoln."

The political ground has shifted. President Obama has charted a course more true to the Declaration of Independence and the values of Abraham Lincoln. The President charts a course toward American solidarity across all political, economic and social divides. We, the people, are now marching forward toward "a more perfect union," not backward toward  "Les Misérables"

Until we rendezvous...





Friday, February 15, 2013

The NBA All-Star Game "Theme Song!"

Word is the "working girls" have descended upon Houston this All-Star weekend.
So, speaking of "random thoughts,"
just look and listen....
nuff said!!
Ms. Badu, you are STILL the dopest ever!!
Until we rendezvous...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Consequences of Jealousy Leaves Me Undun

On a silky summer night, I see faintly in the distance the silhouettes of two Black cats in a celebratory saunter down the of them hoisting a statuette overhead. The beautiful young lady accompanying me turns abruptly to a policeman and asks, "Who are those two guys?" At a different moment in time, he may have said, "James Baldwin and Richard Wright." But, this is 2013, so he dryly replies, "Just two 'Niggas in Paris'."

Yeah, Kanye and Jay-Z clothed themselves with some serious swagger in LA the other night after winning the Grammy for their song "Niggas in Paris."  Deservedly so!  "Big ups" also to Kelly Clarkson, The Black Keys, Beyonce, Adelle, Fun & Janelle Monae, Mumford & Sons, and all the other winners. But, my mind is transfixed by two Philadelphia centered groups which, while both nominated, suffered different fates.

The Roots are the quintessential hip-hip/neo-soul band representing the tip of the spear in "conscious" musical artistry.Their latest album was nominated for "Best Rap Album," and lost to Drake. "Undun" is a concept piece telling the story of a young brother torn between the voice of his better angels and the seductive sounds of life hustlin' in "dem streets." Faced with such a dilemma, he simply cannot outlast the "unforgiving minute," or resist the moment of temptation...and ultimately chooses a life of crime. It's a brilliant album full of brutal insights, mind-bending beats, and lyrical flow like fiya!! It poignantly reminds us of the words of the great Norman Cousins, "Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live."

In my humble opinion, "Undun" should have won the Grammy.

Robert Glasper is a native of Houston, Texas and grew up playing piano in the church. Once he graduated from Elkins High School, he attended the New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music in New York where he met and began to collaborate with neo-soul singer, Bilal.  His jazz group, The Robert Glasper Experiment, was nominated for the album "Black Radio" and won the Grammy in the "Best R&B Album" category.

"Black Radio" is a smorgasbord of musical delights melding jazz, hip-hop, neo-soul, and R&B. Imagine being invited into a luxurious New York penthouse only to be met by the Center City "Rat Pack," Sly and the Family Stone 2.0, Thelonius Monk's avatar, and the spirits of Billie Holiday, Sarah Vaughn, Marvin Gaye and Gil Scott Heron.  That's what happens on this album. Glasper collaborates with the likes of Erykah Badu, Lupe Fiasco, Layla Hathaway, Ledisi, Mos Def, and spins a mesmerizingly memorable musical web featuring Meshell Ndegeocello entitled "The Consequences of Jealousy."  He does this while creating a sound that is beyond categorization.  Glasper describes his music as "experiments with space, rhythm and chord textures"; a music that's easy to rap over. I describe it as amazingly smooth with enough swag to make your head nod and your tongue wag.

So, while I'm "Undun" by the fact that The Roots didn't win the Grammy, I won't hate. Glasper warns us of "the consequences of jealousy." Meanwhile, enjoy this cut from "Black Radio." It features Musiq Soulchild and Chrisette Michele singing "Ah Yeah"....just in time for Valentine's Day.

Los Angeles has suffered so much drama lately. Last year, Whitney Houston...this year Christopher Dorner.  But, come what may, keep your hearts CLEAN and SERENE....relax, and say, "Ah, Yeah."

Until we rendezvous...


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Cop Killer, Christopher Dorner, and "John Brown's Body"

The murderously insane and quixotic quest that Christopher Dorner has embarked upon will mark him in history alongside a number of erstwhile madmen.  So, while I'm tracking the media...and the media are tracking the police...who are chaotically tracking Dorner, a melodic tune is echoing through my mind.  It's the well known tune, "Battle Hymn of the Republic."  But, the lyrics I hear are not those I so proudly and dutifully memorized in grade school.  The words are strangely different:

"Old John Brown’s body lies moldering in the grave,
While weep the sons of bondage whom he ventured all to save;
But tho he lost his life while struggling for the slave,
His soul is marching on."

Unknown to many, the tune now known as the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" was born "John Brown's Body" during the Civil War as a Union Army marching song.  In later years, the melody remained the same but the lyrics were changed to strike a more patriotic and conciliatory tone. It became President Lincoln's favorite song. But, history strongly suggests that the original song was meant to honor the "maniacal madman," John Brown.

On October 16, 1859, Brown, a white abolistionist, led 21 men on a raid of the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. However, his plan to incite a slave revolt by arming them with weapons was thwarted by local farmers, militiamen, and U.S. Marines. Within a few days of the attack, most of Brown's men had been killed or captured.

Christopher Dorner, a former Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officer and commissioned officer in the U.S. Navy, appears to be on a similarly horrific hazard to avenge the "racism" and "corruption" he alleges is rampant in the LAPD.

In a final "manifesto" published on Facebook prior to his killing spree, Dorner stated that the LAPD fired him in retaliation for protesting "racist" and "corrupt" departmental practices.  He alleges to have witnessed, reported and resisted practices of excessive use of force, use of the word, "nigger," abuse of the mentally ill, and the singing of "nazi youth songs." The LAPD repaid his good deeds, he says, by labeling him a "bully" and starting an internal affairs investigation of him.  Dorner states the only way to reclaim his reputation is by executing those who dispossessed him of it. So, he's killed three Los Angeles police officers...and counting.

Of course, this "manifesto" may simply be the mad ravings of a deranged and psychopathic killer attempting to rationalize his uncivilized behavior. But, the same was said of old John Brown.

Make no mistake, from what we know, John Brown's quest to free enslaved Africans was immensely more noble than Dorner's narcissistic quest for personal redemption. But, Dorner has couched his assailable adventure in the struggle for "justice." Justice, he says, for himself and other Los Angelenos who must submit to the authority of a "corrupt" police department.  In that VERY narrow sense alone, Dorner and Brown may occupy the same cabin on the train of justice. But, can such malodorous means ever justify the ends of eternal question? I believe the killing of innocent victims can seldom, if ever, be justified.

Could rapper "Ice T," a product of the Crenshaw district of Los Angeles, have envisioned Christoper Dorner when recording his prophetic and controversial cut, "Cop Killer?" "Hip-hop heads" and "hip-hopologist" alike are quizzically musing as the drama unfolds. Was the great Gil Scott-Heron visionary when he depicted cops "striding the city streets like robot gunslingers with gun butts and police shields?" Or, are America's PTSD stricken "chickens" limping home to lay a few rotten eggs? Another professional killer, trained by America, has come home to menace and stalk the streets of America.

.....John Brown was wounded, captured, moved to Charlestown, Virginia, tried and convicted of treason. Prior to sentencing, Brown addressed the court and said, ". . . . I believe to have interfered as I have done, . . . in behalf of His despised poor, was not wrong, but right. Now, if it be deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood further with the blood of my children, and with the blood of millions in this slave country whose rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments, I submit: so let it be done."

John Brown was hanged on December 2, 1859.

His hanging popularized the phrase, "I'll be John Browned!"  I remember hearing my older relatives use that phrase.  The phrase means, "I'll be damned!" in recognition of Brown's certain damnation, or alternatively, to exclaim astonishment or amazement. For sure, Christopher Dorner will be "John Browned" in the most dire sense of the word.  Maybe by lethal injection, or by gas chamber, or by electric chair, or at the hands of the LAPD.  The point is, he WILL be "John Browned"....but, I won't be John Browned...not in the least.

While pondering the lyrics to "John Brown's Body," I'm saddened at the death of innocents and I grieve with their families.  And, upon his death, Dorner will surely be lip synching the Julia Ward Howe written lyrics to the "Battle Hymn of the Republic," "He hath sounded forth the trumpet which shall never call retreat...." the VIOLENCE IS MARCHING ON!!!!

Until we rendezvous...


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Get Up Stand Up!! Bob Marley - Still Jammin and Still Relevant

On February 6, 1945, Bob Marley entered this world in the village of Nine Mile, in Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica. His given name was Nesta Robert Marley.

He was born to Norval Sinclair Marley, a White Jamaican plantation overseer from Sussex, England, and Cedella Booker, an 18-year old Black Jamaican woman. In 1955, when Bob Marley was 10 years old, his father died of a heart attack at age 70.  As many do today, Marley faced questions about his own racial identity throughout his life. I watched a documentary on Marley and saw a clip in which he spoke on that issue:
"I don't have prejudice against meself. My father was a white and my mother was black. Them call me half-caste or whatever. Me don't deh pon nobody's side. Me don't deh pon the black man's side nor the white man's side. Me deh pon God's side, the one who create me and cause me to come from black and white."
The wisdom of that statement is as relevant today as it was in his life.

In 1963, Marley, Bunny Wailer, Peter Tosh, and three friends formed a group called "The Teenagers" singing ska and rocksteady. The group changed its name several times until they were discovered by record producer Coxsone Dodd, and  settled on the name "The Wailers". By 1966, the three friends had left The Wailers, leaving the core trio of Bob Marley, Bunny Wailer, and Peter Tosh. With that...Reggae took the world by storm.  Marley left us so many great songs it's difficult to name them all...."Buffalo Soldier," "No Woman, No Cry," "Redemption Song," "One Love," "I Shot the Sheriff," and my personal favorite, "Get Up, Stand Up."

Marley was more than simply a musician, singer and songwriter.  He was a prophet, a mystic, a guru, a political and social activist, a musical healer.  His music and his message brought us Reggae, and introduced the world to Rastafarians, dreadlocks, and the "sacredness" of a certain wild growing weed.

He died on May 11, 1981.

His music, as it did so long ago, continues to heal and remind us that in this world there is only "One Love."  I leave you with this video clip of Bob singing, "Jammin."  Enjoy!  And, if you live in Colorado or Washington state..."smoke em, if you got em."


Happy Birthday, Bob!! And, as always....

Until we rendezvous...



Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Chris Kyle is Murdered as America's Chickens Come Home to Roost*

On Dec. 1, 1963, immediately after the assassination of President Kennedy, Malcolm X responded to that event by saying that America's chickens had come home to roost.  He went on to say, "Being an old farm boy myself, chickens coming home to roost never did make me sad; they've always made me glad."

Malcolm understood what the Hindus call "karma"...cause and effect. As the old folks used to say, "what goes around...comes around." In his opinion, America's escalating foreign intervention in Vietnam was being deflected and reflected back on us. And, for that statement alone, Malcolm was forbidden to speak in public by his religious leadership for 90 days. For that statement and others, he has been vilified by some Americans for over 50 years.

The "chickens" phrase has come to be so closely tied to the charismatic, Black leader and has fallen into such ill-repute that it's seldom repeated without risk of harsh criticism. That being said, please allow me to briefly borrow the phrase without retribution.

Why? Because, MAYBE, America's chickens ARE coming home to roost.

Christopher Scott Kyle was a United States Navy SEAL and the most lethal sniper in American military history, with 160 confirmed kills. Snap! snap! pop! pop! pop!!...after surviving four tours of duty in Iraq, Chris Kyle was shot and killed at the Rough Creek Lodge shooting range in Erath County, Texas on February 2, 2013. He was shot by a former Marine who reportedly suffers from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from his service in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Rata tat tat tat!!....since 2003, we have been engaged in violent, shooting wars (some say wars of choice?) in Iraq and Afghanistan. Over 150,000 combatants and civilians died in Iraq, and over 2,000 Americans have died in Afghanistan, thus far.  This doesn't account for the thousands of military amputees and others with horrific mental, emotional, and physical deformities, to include PTSD.

Rata tat tat tat!!....was the sound heard in Aurora, Colorado in July 2012, when a gunman, dressed in tactical clothing, set off tear gas grenades and shot into the audience with multiple firearms, killing 12 people and injuring 58 others in a Cinemark movie theater.

Pop pop pop pop!!...rang out in January 2011, when a gunman charged a crowd outside a Safeway grocery store in Casas Adobes, Arizona, began firing, hitting 19 people, and killing six. Among the wounded, U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords who was shot in the head during her first "Congress on Your Corner" gathering of the year.

Rata tat tat tat!!....pierced the silence in 2009, as a shooter opened fire at an immigration center in Binghamton, New York before committing suicide. He killed 13 people and wounded four.  Bang bang bang!!... interrupted prayers in 2005, when a church meeting was riddled with bullets by a church member at a Sheraton hotel in Brookfield, Wisconsin. The gunman, thought to have had religious motivations, killed himself after executing the pastor, the pastor’s 16-year-old son, and seven others....Rata tat pop pop!!....shots heard round the world in 2007, when Virginia Tech became the site of the deadliest school shooting in US history as a student gunned down 56 people. Thirty-two people died in the massacre.

We still spread death in Afghanistan where drones fly freely and block out the sun. Bullying the vulnerable is the pastime de jour on campus and online. Gang violence is rampant in Chicago and other major U.S. cities killing thousands. Murders in schools, places of worship, movie theaters, political gatherings, shooting ranges, grocery any place safe in America? Imagine the tens of thousand who suffer from PTSD from everyday American life...let alone military combat!!

The Gun Control Act of 1968 was passed due, in no small measure, to the public outrage from the then recent assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert F. Kennedy, and Malcolm X. Now, after all the tears and the fears; all the "sad song singing and flower bringing;" all the emotion and commotion; all the political grandstanding and gnashing of 2015, parts of America are still "cool" with the level of gun violence in the streets.

America has been sleep walking...lulled to sleep by the NRA and other conservative gun rights groups. If previous tragedies failed to do so, I hoped the killing of Chris Kyle would serve as a "wake-up call." Then came the Boston Marathon bombing...the Sandy Hook Massacre... Michael Brown in Ferguson... Eric Garner in NYC...Tamir Rice in Cleveland...and now, "American Sniper" in a theatre near you.

I make no judgement on Clint Eastwood or those associated with the making of that Oscar-nominated film. It is true that Chris Kyle didn't make public policy or choose war in Afghanistan. He did a job and he did it well. But, we should choose our "heroes" wisely!!! The "chickens" are here America...and we have a choice. 

Make "chicken soup for the soul," or settle for egg on our face.

Until we rendezvous....


*Updated January 22, 2015

Monday, February 4, 2013

Gregory Porter - Musical Artist Extraordinaire

Every now and again I run across an artist that really blows my mind.  When this happens, I'm moved to share my good fortune with kindred spirits.

Gregory Porter is a musician,  a "bluesician," a "jazzician," a soulful funkster, a melodic magician, a rhythmic romancer, a vocal Baryshnikov....Frank Sinatra, Marvin Gaye, Nina Simone, Nat "King" Cole, Howlin' Wolf, Stevie Wonder and R Kelly rolled into one....and just an overall cool cat. He calls himself a jazz singer.  Yet, he reminds us that musical categories are artificial; employed by record companies to market music to the masses. 

He was born in California to a single mother with roots in Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana.  His mom grew up in southern, black churches with the blues at her hip on every southern street.  So, with his mother's milk, Gregory grew up consuming gospel, blues, jazz, soul and R&B. As he says, all these forms of music are "very close cousins," and he now blends them masterfully.

He is a renaissance man reminiscent of Paul Robeson.  He played linebacker at San Diego State with NFL Hall of Famer, Marshall Faulk, before he suffered an injury which forced him to pursue his true  He's worked and toured for several years as a theatrical stage actor and even worked as a chef to make ends meet. 

Finally, with the release of his Grammy nominated debut album "Water," he took the music world by storm.  Gregory now resides in New York City and tours heavily.

Check out the video and title track from his sophomore album, "Be Good."  The pure artistry of this video displays his theatrical roots and reminds me of why artists are essential to the human fact, it may be artistic expression that makes us truly human.

"Like bare feet on hot concrete," we must now be parting.  But, as always....
Until we rendezvous...

5 Reasons the Ravens Won the SuperBowl

Congratulations to the Super Bowl Champion, Baltimore Raven!! They proved to be a team of destiny after all.  Even the power outage and valiant Niner comeback could not stop them.  Here's why:
  • Flacco Played Brilliantly - Flacco's first half of play rivaled that of any Quarterback who has ever played in the Super Bowl.  He was flawless the entire game, and capped off a mistake free playoff run that will likely land him a large contract.
  • Jacoby Jones -  Jones' fantastic 56 yard TD catch and run at the end of the first half, and his second half opening 108 yard kick-off return for TD should have landed him Super Bowl MVP. Those two plays really broke the backs of the Niners.
  • Rookie Mistakes - Although Kaepernick played an outstanding game and almost rallied his team in the second half, his interception and LaMichael James' fumble in the first half put the Niners in too big of a hole. Also, Kaepernick's unwise 3rd quarter timeout proved costly in the end.
  • Raven Defense - The Raven defense stiffened on the goal line on three occasions....twice in the first half leading to two field goals, and once in the final minutes of the game to thwart a potential game winning TD.
  • Horrendous Niner Play-Calling - I know Kaepernick was only starting his 10th NFL game, but Brother Jim Harbough's red zone play calling sucked.  There's no way they should have been thwarted in the red zone with the play makers they have.
In the end, this was still one of the most exciting Super Bowls in recent memory.  Much love to Ray Lewis on his farewell victory, and to the Niners for a tremendous losing effort.

Until we rendezvous....


Sunday, February 3, 2013

5 Reasons the 49ers Win the SuperBowl

There's a reason the old maxim, "any given Sunday" has remained relevant.  Fortunately for the casual fan, the "best" team doesn't always win a singular athletic contest.  Las Vegas sports betting depends on that fact.  MLB and the NBA account for this reality by employing the seven-game series which arguably yields the "best of the best." But, the game of football is much too violent to implement a seven-game series.  So, we are resigned to the breathtaking, heartrending, euphoric, and fantastic spectacle of the Super Bowl...where everything is on the line in ONE game. 

So, while both teams are tremendously talented and equally deserving of victory, here are five reasons  the Niners will raise the Lombardi trophy today.

  • Vernon over Rev. Ray - Although Ray Lewis is probably the greatest all-around linebacker in NFL history (Lawrence Taylor was the most groundbreaking and disruptive), his game has slipped significantly in recent years. He's still recovering from injury, and his run support will be severely tested by a great 49er run game. More importantly, Vernon Davis will have a MVP level performance today.  Davis will exploit the Raven defense over the middle and go deep at least once.  I love Ray Lewis, but Rev, your swan song is not likely to be the gospel song "Victory is Mine."
  • Gore over Little Ray - Whichever team controls the ball with a dominating run game is likely to win this game.  Both Ray Rice and Frank Gore are capable of having great games. But, I think that "Brother Jim" will be more committed to the run than "Brother John." The Niner offensive line is a monster and will eventually wear down the slightly older and easily exposed Raven defenders who have been nursing injury. Plus, the Ravens have become overly enamored with Flacco and the passing game.
  • Kaepernick and the "Read Option" - The Raven defense will have their hands full with this read option.  Luckily, they've had two weeks to prepare for it. But, it will create enough uncertainty and hesitance in Raven defenders to create 2-3 big plays for the Niners today. Kaepernick himself will have at least one big play with his arm and one with his legs...and they will come at crucial moments in the game. Aside from that, Kaepernick must manage the game and play mistake free.
  • "Poof" goes the Magic - This is an intangible that is admittedly hard to measure.  But, Joe Flacco, Ray Lewis, Jacoby Jones and the rest of the Ravens have been on a magic carpet ride of sorts. (See the end of the Bronco playoff game)  I think that ends today and they play more like the Ravens we knew during the regular season. If the Niners can endure the initial wave of Ray Lewis induced fanaticism and wait patiently for the inevitable Flacco mistake, the magic will end today.
  • Jim over John - Mr. and Mrs. Harbaugh should be the most proud parents in America today.  Their sons are outstanding football coaches and appear to be admirable human beings.  I'm sure they would never choose between their two beloved sons. But, I must make a choice.  Although both have exhibited tremendous skill, courage, and creativity this season and they are both hard-nosed disciples of the Bo Schembechler school of football, Jim gets the edge here.  Just as he had the courage to replace Alex Smith with Colin Kaepernick in mid-season, he won't hesitate to pull Kaepernick and insert Smith if he thinks that will give him the victory. 
The Ravens have a punchers chance to win because they are a team with tremendous heart and an incentive to send Ray Lewis out in style.  But, I'll give the Niners the edge today.  Good luck to both teams!!

Until we rendezvous...
