Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Sexy Intersection

Ahhh, Sports and Politics!!!  An intoxicating duo rivaled only by the titillating twins, "ladies and libations."   I firmly believe that you can engage someone in sports talk for an hour and accurately discern their political leanings.  Put it to a test! 

Renowned military theorist, Carl Von Clausewitz, famously opined that war is politics by other means. Likewise, I contend that SPORTS is politics by other means. And, since war is not the preferred pastime of civilized folk, I bathe luxuriantly in the waters of politics and sports.

So, for those who want to trade shots on football and basketball, liberals and conservatives, race and ethnicity, quarterbacks and point guards, steroids and HGH, gay rights and women's rights, baseball and soccer, abortion rights and gun rights, God and the godless.....let not your heart be troubled!!!  You have settled in the right spot.  This is the intersection of sports, politics and current events.

You may ask, "What's with the blog name?"  The late African-American singer, poet and grio, Gil Scott-Heron, once expounded satirically on the virtues (or lack thereof) of the letter "C."  Following in that vein, and lifting a line from the recent movie "Django Unchained," this blog is entitled "The 'D' is Silent." Why? Because, the "d" in  the Laker defense has gone silent, or is it the "d" and the rest of 'Antoni that needs to disappear? Perhaps more importantly, the current political climate indicates that the "d" in American democracy may soon become a mere faltering whisper.   

At this blog, we intend to clothe ourselves in the same swagger that Jamie  Foxx's character wore when he schooled the thuggish plantation owner on the finer points of English grammar.

So, me at the intersection...there's bound to be a CRASH....and remember, the "D" is Silent!!

Until we rendezvous...
