Monday, July 22, 2013

In America, a Royal Persecution...In Britain, a Royal Birth!!!

The juxtaposition of the royal birth in Britain and the royal persecution of Trayvon Martin in Florida is somewhat dizzying. 

Imagine Michelle Obama giving birth to a little Black boy while President Obama is serving in the White House.  Certainly, the young Obama would begin with many more privileges than the typical American child, Black or White. But, would young Obama be on schedule to inherit over a billion dollars as Kate and William's baby is predicted to inherit? Would he be immediately regarded as "His Royal Highness?" And, would he (the Black child of the President) be able to look forward to walking the streets of America without immediately raising suspicion of criminal intent? The answers to these questions are undoubtedly, No.

I understand, Britain is a constitutional monarchy and British royalty serve a merely ceremonial or symbolic role. But, to the degree that national symbols are important in affecting societal norms, enhancing national or group pride, and highlighting things upon which the nation places great value, the world-wide attention paid to the "royal baby" speaks volumes about how Britain feels about its young boys.  And, the symbolism of the Zimmerman verdict speaks volumes about the value placed on young Black boys in America.

All little British boys can see themselves valued as little "Princes," while little Black boys in America are encouraged to see themselves as "Paupers," "Prisoners," and "Pariahs" worthy of only suspicion and never receiving the benefit of the doubt. You see, in spite of all the privileges that accrue to being the son of a U.S. President, young Obama would lack the one privilege capable of protecting him on a dark street in Florida...white skin privilege.

So, forgive me if I'm seen meandering down the street with an unsteady gait. I'm not drunk, high on drugs or aimlessly looking for a place to burglarize. No, I'm just trying to regain my sense of equilibrium after witnessing America's bewilderingly disparate treatment of it's own young, Black Prince (Trayvon) vis-a-vis its reverence for the British "royal baby."

Mind you, on that fateful night in Florida, Trayvon was as innocent as a newborn baby!


Until we rendezvous...



  1. Another good post, as always.

    I never really understood why people were paying so much attention to this baby. I didn't even know about the story until a few days ago ...

    1. Thanks, Morgan!! Your opinion is valued and much appreciated.

      America is obsessed with celebrity culture. If only it were equally obsessed with justice.

      Peace, my brother!!

  2. LOL... I really, really appreciate your feedback, bunnyfort!!

    As with all good sermons, I hope I brought the "learnin" and the "burnin."
