Thursday, February 13, 2014

Obamacare - The "garment" in the Bible?

Today, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann suggested that America's only hope at stopping the plague of "Obamacare" was through "divine intervention." She urged all prayerful citizens to petition God for the repeal of this dreaded law.
Granted, the Congresswoman lives on the fanatical fringe, and I'm no Christian apologist or preacher. But, I have a question for Ms. Bachmann.
What would the biblical Jesus do?
While you ponder the question, peruse this passage of the New Testament in the Christian Bible:


Luke 8:43-44

King James Version (KJV)
43 And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any,
44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.
Now, the biblical text does not illuminate the extent of the woman's condition. We get neither diagnosis nor prognosis. All we know is that "a woman" was saddled with a "pre-existing condition" for twelve years. According to the biblical writer, the woman had expended her entire livelihood on doctors and could find no cure. No doubt, due to her womanly "blood condition," many doctors would neither touch nor treat her. Some biblical scholars surmise that the woman suffered from a chronic menstrual disorder affecting her ability to become pregnant...compromising her reproductive health and status in society. She appeared to be alone without husband or any visible means of support.
This ancient tale sounds eerily modern to me. How many women and others have been saddled with "pre-existing conditions" driving them into bankruptcy after exhausting their entire life savings? How many women, single and married, are currently fighting to prevent insurance companies from defining issues of reproductive health as "pre-existing conditions?" The woman with the "issue of blood," like many in America today, was simply struggling to regain her health and rejoin the ranks of productive citizens.
First came the condition...and then came "the garment."

Listen, I have no idea what the biblical Jesus would do. I do know what he did. The biblical text suggests that he presented "the border of his garment" as a cure for the woman's condition and an insurance policy against future complications. For many American families, Obamacare represents that metaphorical "garment" serving as a protective cloak against physical and financial ruin.
Why would any person of faith ask God to snatch that cloak of protection from the most vulnerable of the citizenry, Ms. Bachmann?
I'm no put it mildly. But, there's nothing more distasteful than faux religiosity or Christian hypocrisy. Ms. Bachmann, apparently you "went to a meetin' one night," and your heart wasn't right. "Something gotta hold" on you!!! I'm just not sure what it is!!

Until we rendezvous...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Super Bowl XLVIII - Seattle Wins and Why!

For several reasons, this will be among the most highly anticipated Super Bowl games in recent memory. It should be a helluva match-up, indeed! We love sports not simply because it's entertainment. We love it because it plays upon our tribal instincts...our need to draw lines and cheer for "our guys" against the "other guys." "Good" against "Evil"...Red state against Blue state...the Light against the Dark...Shirts against Skins...Cowboys against "Indians."

So, Denver and Seattle fans aside, the rest of us will choose sides and root enthusiastically for our team of choice...even if we never cared for either team. Let the good times roll!!! 
But, who will win and why? 
No one really knows...that's why we watch.  But, here are some keys to watch "between the lines," and "between the ears."

Between the Lines:

Denver Offense vs. Seattle Defense - Six previous times the NFL's best defense has met the league's best offense in the Super Bowl. Five times the team with the best defense won the game. It happened most recently in 1991 when the New York Giants beat the Buffalo Bills. This would seem to favor the Seahawks. But, that was 23 years ago and NFL rule changes favoring offense may make this a very different affair.  The Seahawk defense has been great, but the Bronco offense has been historic. In the end, I think these two outstanding squads will fight to a standoff separated by one big, game-changing play by the Legion of Boom. "LOB!"
Denver Defense vs. Seattle Offense - While most of the attention has been focused on Peyton Manning and his match-up with Richard Sherman and company, the most interesting match-up may be when the ball changes hands. The Seahawk offense has been competent, but inconsistent. It consists of a heavy dose of RB Marshawn Lynch and a scattering of big plays deep down field to mediocre receivers. Seattle QB Russell Wilson can be an absolute wild card if he can stretch plays at key moments in the game. The Bronco defense has also been running under the radar.  It will be missing it's best play maker, linebacker Von Miller, and the great Champ Bailey has been limited all year. Wilson is very smart and is not likely to make many mistakes with the ball. However, I think the Bronco defense will be stout enough to limit the Seahawk squad making it difficult for them to sustain long drives. The Seattle offense must operate with a short field.

Manning's "Playoff Blues"- Manning is perhaps the greatest regular season quarterback of all-time. The only blemish on his resume' is his losing playoff record. I believe his playoff losses stem from the fact that his "preparation" advantage is diminished in the playoffs. Manning is the best QB ever "before the snap" of the ball. He's an avid student of the game and he is a master of changing the play at the line of scrimmage getting his squad into the best possible play option. Manning's superior preparation allows him to always run the play he wants...when he wants. However, playoff teams have more time to prepare for and study Peyton. If the Seahawks can diminish his "before the snap" advantage by only 20-30%, it's a ballgame. Once the ball is snapped, Peyton is very good, but not ungodly!! He likes to get rid of the ball quickly on timing routes.  When he can't do that, Peyton gets "the blues"  because he cannot improvise or extend plays.

Starvin' Percy Harvin - Seahawk coach, Pete Carroll, acquired Percy Harvin because of the team's need for more offensive firepower. Unfortunately, Harvin has been healthy for only two games this season and he's recovering from a concussion suffered against the Saints. But, Harvin could prove to be the Jacoby Jones of this year's Super Bowl.  One great kickoff/punt return or a game-breaking play from the slot position could be the key to a Seahawk victory. In what could turn out to be a game of field position, Harvin must match the production of Denver's Eric Decker and Trindon Holliday. Harvin should be hungry after playing so little this year.  The Broncos need to make him "Starvin' Harvin" in this game.
"Orange Julius" - Denver TE Julius Thomas could be a major weapon for Peyton Manning. If he is able to routinely beat Seahawk linebackers and safeties, it will be a long day at the office for Seattle. Thomas has emerged as both a drive-sustaining option and a big-play threat which means he will be a nightmare for the Seahawk defense.
No "12th Man" - My biggest reservation about the Seahawks has been their dependence on the "12th Man." They are almost unbeatable in Seattle which is why they were able to outlast San Francisco in the NFC Championship game. But, they are only a "very good" team when playing away from the friendly confines. They will need to be better than "very good" to beat the Broncos in New Jersey! I always thought the 49ers would be a more formidable opponent for Denver on a neutral field. But, the Seahawks could prove me wrong. Will the "12th Man" travel? I'm not sure it will.

Between the Ears:

Gentlemen vs. "Thugs" - Consciously or subconsciously, this game has been cast as a game of the "upright citizens" led by Peyton Manning against the "thugs" led by Richard Sherman. How will this affect the call of the game and the mentality of the players involved in the game.  Will Seattle embrace the bad-boy image and play with a chip on their shoulder? Or, will Denver accept their "duty" to save the sports world from the "thug life" represented by the Hawks?
Old School vs. New School - Peyton Manning vs. Russell Wilson.  The tall statuesque, quintessential pocket-passer and field general vs. the new generation of mobile quarterbacks who make a difference as much with their legs as with their arms. Tradition dies hard and many will be rooting for the crafty old veteran to make a last stand for the "old school."
Men in Stripes - Remember Super Bowl XXXVI when the New England Patriots met the St. Louis Rams' heralded "Greatest Show on Turf". The Ram offense had been a record-setting scoring machine. But, the Patriots decided to rough-up the wideouts and make the game a slugfest...betting the refs would not call the game too closely.  The Pats were right and they won 20-17. Will the refs call a tight game or a loose game? Will they be affected by the ruffian reputation that the Seahawks bring to the game? The outcome of the game could depend on the mood of the officials.
The "Blowin' Big Bowl" - Washington State and Colorado, the two states that have legalized the consumption of marijuana for recreational purposes. Well, well, well!!! What poetic justice!! I can imagine a Bob Marley avatar performing a rhythmic reggaton and politically inappropriate halftime show featuring a version of "Smoke Gets in My Eyes"...with Brandon Browner as his hype man!!
Final Score:
Seattle - 24
Denver - 21
Seattle gets a timely turnover late and drives for a game-winning field goal. Look, I'm often wrong, but seldom irrational. 
Let's just hope for a competitive, entertaining game.
Until we rendezvous...